Solution Answer key of LIFE SCIENCE june 2019
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Fruit bat are known to harbour and spread several viruses that can infect other animals and humans. Which of the following viruses is NOT reported to spread by fruit bats?
1. Ebola
2. Nipah
4. HIV
In a type I hypersensitivity-mediated asthmatic response, which one of the following is thought to contribute significantly to the prolonged bronchospasm and build-up of mucous seen in asthmatics?
1. Thromboxane
2. Leukotriene
3. TGFβ
4. Chondroitin
ANS 2 & 3
In a human cell line, a large fraction of double-strand DNA breaks are repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). An inhibitor of FLAP endonuclease with affect
1. recruitment of DNA-dependent kinase.
2. gap trimming.
3. DNA unwinding.
4. pairing of micro-homology regions.
ans 2
Sugar puckering in double stranded nucleic acids is exclusively
1. C-2’ endo in double stranded DNA
2. C-3’ endo in double stranded DNA
3. C-2’ endo in double stranded RNA
4. C-3’ endo in hybrid duplex with one strand as DNA and the other as RNA
ans 1& 3
According to Hamilton’s rule, altruistic behavior can evolve when rb c, where b is the extra benefit gained by the recipient as a result of the altruistic act, c is the cost to the actor arising from performing the altruistic act and r is the relatedness between the:
1. individual performing the altruistic act and the offspring of the recipient
2. individual performing the altruistic act and the recipient
3. recipient and the offspring of the individual performing the altruistic act
4. individual performing the altruistic act and the members of its population
ans 2
Which one of the following is the most appropriate definition of ‘Gene Pyramiding’ in plants?
1. Introducing different genes for resistance to a specific pest in different genotypes.
2. Introducing a single gene for resistance to a particular pest in different genotypes.
3. Introducing different genes for resistance to a single pest in a single genotype.
4. Introducing a single gene for resistance to multiple pests in different genotypes.
ans 3
102. Only members of the plant kingdom and many bacteria have capability of biological nitrogen reduction. In this regard, following statements are given:
A. Nitrogen is normally taken by the plant in their full oxidized form but need to be reduced before incorporation in organic molecules.
B. Conversion of oxidized nitrogen into reduced nitrogen needs energy in the form of NAD(P)+.
C. The metal associated with the enzyme nitrate reductase is Magnesium.
D. Nitrate reduction takes place in the cytoplasm, whereas nitrite reduction takes place in chloroplast matrix.
Which one of the following combinations of the above statements is correct?
1. A and C
2. A, B and C
3. B and D
4. A and D
ans 4