Tentative date of exam notification: Oct
Tentative date of filling forms: – Nov/Dec
Tentative date of exam April
The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) hold a combined ARS (Preliminary) and NET (I)- Examination APRIL month every year in Online mode at 23 Centres across India in a staggered slot-wise examination format as per the Rules and Scheme of Examination indicated in their notification
The ARS (Preliminary) Examination is a qualifying examination and its marks will not be carried forward for determining final merit of the candidates.
All those candidates desirous of appearing for ARS Examination are required to take both the Preliminary and Mains Examination and viva-voce. Only those candidates who qualify the ARS (Preliminary) Examination as per standards will be eligible to appear in the ARS(Mains) Examination, further restricted to 15 candidates for one vacancy. Candidates declared successful in ARS (Mains) Examination and viva-voce will be recommended for appointment as Scientists in Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the Pay Band-III of Rs 15,600-39,100 plus Research Grade Pay of Rs 6,000/-.
National Eligibility Test (NET) is a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for the position of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs). Candidates clearing the National Eligibility Test will be eligible to apply for the post of Lecturers or Assistant Professors in the SAUs/AUs. NET certificates will be issued by the ASRB to the qualified candidates to enable them to apply against vacancies to be notified or advertised by the State Agricultural Universities/Agricultural Universities. SAUs/AUs will satisfy themselves with regard to fulfilment of prescribed eligibility condition/criterion for requisite posts of Lecturers/Assistant Professors including authenticity of the NET Certificate in the possession of the candidates.
Pattern of ARS NET.
Preliminary ARS Examination Paper:-
Preliminary ARS Examination shall have one paper of 150 marks with all multiple type objective questions to be solved in 02 hours (Two hours), from the respective professional subject(s) for which candidate has opted.
1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer in Preliminary ARS Examination (Objective Type). The examination will be held in 33 centres as given in Annexure-I. This is a qualifying examination and marks scored will not be counted for final selection.
The candidates who attain such minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination as may be fixed by the Board in its discretion will be allowed to appear in the Main Examination.
ARS – Main Examination Paper:-
ARS – Main Examination Paper will have only one paper of 240 marks to be completed in 3 hours duration. The paper shall be divided in three parts A, B and C. Part ‘A’ will consists of 40 (forty) questions of 2 (two) marks each. In this part, answers required will be of very short, not exceeding 10 (Ten) words at the most. Part ‘B’ will have 20 (twenty) questions of 5 (five) marks each requiring one or two paragraphs and/or graphic explanation. Part ‘C’ will have 6 (six) essay type or descriptive type questions. Each question will carry 10 (ten) marks and may have two or more parts. Answers are required to be written in the space provided below the question. In no case extra sheets will be provided. All questions in parts ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ will be compulsory.
The candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the Main Examination as may be fixed by the Board in its discretion, shall be called for viva-voce in the ratio of 1:5 (category-wise) for each post. Reserved candidates who qualify after availing relaxed standard and/or age relaxation shall render themselves ineligible for UR posts. They will be eligible only for the posts which are reserved in respective category in a particular discipline. The final selection of candidates will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the ARS – Mains Examination and Viva- voce. The finally selected candidates will be recommended for appointment as Scientists in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Syllabus of ARS NET
The part of syllabus which we cover
Eligibility for ARS NET
A candidate for the Agricultural Research Service must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in the concerned discipline with specialization completed on or before june of the year in which ARS NET Exam is being conducted from any Indian University incorporated by an Act of Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or he/she must have qualification from a foreign University recognized as equivalent to above by the Government of India.
Candidates who have appeared at an examination, the passing of which would render them eligible to appear at the ARS- Examination but have not been informed of the results, may apply for admission to the ARS –Examination. Candidates who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination may also apply. Such candidates will be admitted to the ARS –Mains Examination, if otherwise eligible but their admission would be purely provisional. These candidates are required to submit the self-attested copies of the documents/certificates in support of their candidature by END OF JULY failing which their interview call letter (through e-mail) shall be withheld. The candidates having Master’s degree from a foreign University must attach a certificate of equivalence and recognition of that degree issued by the University Commission/ Govt. of India/ any other concerned Govt. of India/ Department or Agency.
Code 01 Agricultural Biotechnology: –
Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology & Bio-Technology/ Genetic Engineering/ Botany/ Plant Sciences/ Life Sciences/Plant Physiology with specialization in Plant Biotechnology
code 07 Plant Biochemistry
Master’s degree in Plant Biochemistry/ Agricultural Biochemistry/ Biochemistry with specialization in plants.
code 09 Plant Physiology: –
Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Plant Physiology/ Botany with specialization in Plant Physiology.
code 15 Animal Biochemistry.
Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal Sciences/ Dairy/ Fisheries Science with specialization in Biochemistry.
code 16 Animal Biotechnology
Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal/ Fisheries Science with specialization in Biotechnology.
The number of attempts for appearing in the Agricultural Research Service Examination will be limited to SIX for Unreserved category candidates (whether M.Sc./Ph.D.) including the in-service candidates of I.C.A.R. However, this restriction will not apply to SC and ST candidates who are otherwise eligible. The number of attempts for Other Backward Classes category and Divyang category (belonging to General/OBC category) candidates will be NINE.
Note-I: The number of attempts made by the candidates prior to Agricultural Research Service examination 2011 will not be taken into account for counting the number of attempts made. Attempt means that the candidate must have appeared for the Examination.
Note-II: An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Examination. Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancellation of candidature, the fact of appearance of the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt.
“A candidate who has already qualified ARS examination (finally selected) in the earlier year will not be eligible to compete in the subsequent examinations conducted by ASRB for the same discipline in which he/she has earlier qualified. However, there is no bar to reappear for an ARS selected candidate in the subsequent ARS examination in a discipline different than the one in which he/she has already qualified”.
- Cutoff ARS NET:-
Category | Cutoff Percentage | Cutoff Marks |
Unreserved (UR) | 50% | 75 marks |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 45% | 67.5 marks |
Scheduled Caste (SC) / Schedule Tribe (ST) / Divyang / Female | 40% | 60 marks |
Tips to crack ARS NET
Start preparing for exam at least 4 months before the date of ARS NET
GOOD alternative of CSIR NE LIFE SCIENCES This exam can be good alternative for those aspirants who find it difficult to quality CSIR NET Life Science and this will give you eligibility for lectureship in agriculture colleges and ever many private colleges consider it as eligibility so This exam is good for making career after M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Biotech, M.Sc. Microbiology.
Keep Solving and analyzing-It is advisable that you solve full length mock test papers and Go through all previous years papers of ARS NET to have an understanding what to prepare for ARS NET . It will develop an understanding in you about your performance in actual ARS NET exam where you exactly stand ARS NET
Students must try to solve the test in iguruji online app downloadable from google playstore and make yourself adaptable to ARS NET .
We can give you tips to crack ARS-NET only for certain subject related with CSIR-NET Life Science like plant biochemistry, plant physiology, agriculture biotechnology, animal biotechnology animal biochemistry etc.
Just go through respective syllabus you are opting for ARS-NET and prepare the topic with graduation level books no need to scale up the level of content CSIR level
Refer the good text books for Clearing the concepts-Students must clear their concepts with the help of good books and updated study material like AADHAR INSTITUTE STUDY MATERIAL FOR ARS NET so as not to face hurdles during the exam. The questions in ARS NET are designed to bring out your understanding and basic knowledge of biotechnology. Try to be more concise and precise over concepts and basic knowledge rather than running on path of blind learning and going through everything.
Make a schedule for Revision and tests –The regular revision matters a lot more than any other things during the preparation time. Watch iguruji video for making strategy and schedule for ARS NET you must revise all the topics which you have studied during this entire course of preparation. At many points you will find that remembering all the things simultaneously becomes hard; make short key words based notes and map notes to quickly revise all points. Keep on appearing for video supported tests for ARS NET on iguruji app
During the exam try to attempt question with accuracy because cut off is usually high as you are competing with aspirants of subject specific background who are specialized in their field.
Say NO to New topic during exam days-Student must not study any new topic in the last weeks. It would bring unnecessary anxiety and can disturb your overall preparation. You should instead keep on honing the previously practiced topics and solve mock test papers. Studying more or all is not required if you have not studied it previously, but regular revision of the topics what you have studied is the key to success.
Make notes for formulas and important concepts-All the important experimental questions, concepts, constants must be written separately in a short note so as to keep them revising on one go this will help you in NAT type questions. Keep on going through special revision and superfast revision videos of iguruji
Add exercise/yoga, meditation and Power Nap in the day Schedule
- As you must have heard – healthy mind lives in healthy body but Being a biology student you must also understand the reverse is also true “only a healthy mind can have a healthy body.” Just maintain the calmness of your brain by taking small breaks from studies – for basic PRANAYAM, MEDITATION and YOGA (many videos are available on you tube)
- During the preparation days Avoid late night food just respect the circadian Rhythm of the body “sleep at night work in day”
- During the day hours take at least two short power nap after every 5 – 6 hours of study
- Avoid Alcohol / cigarette / excessive caffeine consumption for getting boost
Ask the expert-
- You must take help from those genuine friends who have qualified the exam in past. Keep on watching “tips for ARS NET ” video on aadharinstitute jaipur youtube channel
- You can have even live discussion on this channel tune to time
- Develop a positive attitude in life especially for this exam. Never think that this exam is the last hope in Life. Don’t worry you have a brighter life ahead this is just a milestone
Avoid travelling at the night just before exam especially if your centre in another city just reach one day before the exam take rest and proper sleep.